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Aldebaran V4: Moths in the Light

General Summary

Starting the session off, the party had set off several of the crypts undead. Zombies would break through the weakened sections of the crypt, where the dirt lay bare upon the floor. More would stream from the hallways; coming in from the east, south, and north. Even worse, some of them would explode into poisonous spores, things would get very bad very quickly if the situation became crowded in these tight hallways. Through clever tactics though, they'd divide themselves up into groups and conquer each of the undead forces. Coming out on top, they'd head downwards and further into the crypt.   There they would meet Astoff Blackblood, the dreaded vampire they had been warned about. Warded heavily with magic and carrying a very imposing air, he'd ask them what they were here for. Answering truthfully that they did not come here to investigate the curse of Kathvin, Astoff seemed satisfied enough. He would attempt to paralyze the wisp that stayed hidden nearby, the same one that had been hounding them for a while now. Swearing revenge upon the party and Astoff, he'd scurry off before anyone could react. Heading to the western hall, Astoff would wish them well in their travels.   With a goal in mind to head south, they'd come across a locked door that held a monstrosity within. Eerie gurbles could be heard within, the creature was hungry and violent. Having heard from Phil that this creature was likely the Gibbering Mouther, there was a trap laid upon the door that was meant to destroy its hinges. Memento would attempt to disable the trap, but accidently trip it instead. With the door opened, the creature inside would roarand attack them, its fleshy mass of mouths a horrifying sight.   Sha, with lightning fast reflexes, would disable the creature using the strange artifact that made chains of golden light. In the room nearby, the ones who had laid the trap could be heard casting spells and getting ready to fight. They party only had a few moments to kill the monster before they'd be trapped between it and them. Moments that they would spend well, they destroyed it as quickly as they could while it was incapacitated. By the time the door was opened, the party was ready to engage with the new group.   Consisting of three Pepuali, Thandrick the Wisp, and some strange undead called Wanderers, the battle would become a mess of brutality. Colliding against each other, the Pepuali were followers of the Deadlight God Glojarl, and using their ability to harm undead with positive energy, would destroy a majority of Sha's undead. In turn, Sha would use his ability to destroy their undead, ones that were harmed by negative energy. Each side's undead out of the way, the party had advantage in numbers while the enemy had a spell that was sapping away their strength. A strange sort of light that ate away at their vitality, most were forced to retreat out of its glow. It was Mordecai that would stay in the fray and beat down the evil that stood before him, managing to resist the effects of the light and their might. At some point, the light the object was attached to was thrown away, allowing the rest of the party to move in and assist.   Luner would ask for them to surrender, it was clear they were family of hers. The eldest of them, a cleric of high standing would rebuff her attempts. Simply calling her weak of will and a traitor to their clan, they would fight to the end. Of the three Mothkin they fought, the younger cleric and barbarian would fall. Lumiar was the final one's name, and he would see he had no chance of victory. Revealing a potion of some sort, he would turn invisible and attempt to escape. Thandrick also would attempt to escape, but the party has essentially resigned to being unable to catch him. Would the party catch Lumiar though, we'll have to find out.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Reached the end of the Kathvin Crypts.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Astoff Blackblood(Ōkagǒu) - The vampire of Kathvin Crypts, he was actually rather simple to deal with. The party told him the truth of why they were here, and he let them leave without conflict.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 9th 294 A.D. / 2:20pm
Report Date
09 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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