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Aldebaran V4: The Rust Devourer

General Summary

Deciding they weren't done for the day, the party would return back to the sewers. Making their way through, they'd encounter all sorts of nasties. They'd run into creatures known as Griks, worm-like entities with hides that can only be penetrated by magic. Finding them easy enough to dispatch, the Mega Grik would show itself, with a hide actually as hard as steel. Angry that it was killing its friend... children... it rushed forward in a rage to destroy the party. Managing to beat it down through sheer force, they'd get past that only to find the fabled Toilet-Paper mummy. Guarding an illustrious treasure upon its neck, Maya would be the only one to suffer a real heavy blow. Thankfully not fatal, they'd claim an Amulet of Natural Armor +2.   Finding that the mummy's room was a dead end, they'd come across an entrance to the sewers from within the city. Some kobolds were guarding it. Being friendly enough though, they wouldn't care that much about Sha's undead, even offering later to store them within the sewer for convenience. They'd also let the party know that there were heavy signs of rust a little north of here, signs that their quarry was spotted. Thanking them for the information, they'd find the rust they were talking about. A pipe that had been eaten away at, it offered a cramped access point to another part of the sewers that shouldn't have been there. It was definitely some serious damage to the sewers infrastructure.   Taking just a moment to rest, they'd continue along the trail and find the rust monster. It scurried away from the quickly. They had heard strange rumors about this creature, people that had gone after its reward being found dead. They had strange wounds upon them too, bite marks and small holes within their flesh, and the blood drained from their body. But when they were attempting to capture it within the small room they trapped it in, it seemed to be a frightened little thing, simply trying its best to escape.   Getting closer and closer to cornering it, Luner would fly over a small wooden bridge and sense something was off. The number of entities around her was one too high. As she tried to move towards the small rust monster, a horrifying creature seemed to appear out of thin air. With glowing purple eyes and a size larger than a big horse, it extended its tail towards her. With a vice-like claw at the end of it, it grabbed her and smashed her into the bridge. Priorities quickly shifted, and everyone's attention was now on this monstrosity.   The creature would quickly take care of the moon priest, crushing her and throwing her away to face the rest of the party. Her body battered and broken, she barely held onto life. It then spoke intelligently at them, mocking the party and saying it was going to feast on their blood. With acrobatic maneuvers from Maya and crushing blows from Spectre, they'd surround the beast along with the undead. Sha would resuscitate Luner, and Mordecai would throw blows with his telekinetic sword at the creature. Perhaps not used to the ferocity, the creature fought back as hard is it could, but couldn't seem to land a proper blow against them. With one final smash, Spectre would destroy the creature.   During the fight, the little rust monster managed to get away. It ate away at a pipe that was filled with rushing water, and blasted itself and Sha's undead down the canal. The Rust Devourer beared a lot of resemblance to the Rust Monster, though it was obviously far more dangerous. With the ability to go invisible, being large as hell, a tail with a deadly weapon, and antennae that could draw blood from creatures it brushed, this thing was developed in a lab to be a killing machine. Not too unlike that Ankheg they fought before. Cutting its head off as proof of their task, they'd all decide to return back to the surface and report to Prouthec about what happened.   Getting paid for the service, the party would learn of a probing attack on the city from above by a bunch of strange terror birds. Modified in some way as well to make them more monstrous, something was afoot. The drow were planning something. They'd also meet Galuk, the kobold patriarch of Sulagithik Enclave. He's in charge of the maintenance of the sewers, as well as its defenses. Qira had fought against the terror birds along with a new stranger, a saetori called Revi. Learning from Zetch that they had supply lines, Galuk asked the party if they could go disrupt them somehow. He'd tell them have to make their way to the east towards the Dethvale Wetlands and into a crypt to reach the Realms down Under. The crypt was filled with undead, an old necromancer of some import held sway there at one point. If they managed to successfully do this job, they'd earn themselves 20,000 gold pieces. Certainly an enticing reward. Saying they would do the job, the party would split and go about their tasks for the day.

Rewards Granted

  • Paid 4k for defeating the Rust Devourer.
  • Achieved Level 4.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeated the Toilet Paper Mummy.
  • Defeated the Mega Grik and Griks.
  • Defeated the Rust Devourer.

Character(s) interacted with

Prouthec (Amurrun) - Engaged in a conversation with Galuk about the drow situation under the city. The prisoner that Qira had returned, Zetch, would give him plenty of information about the seriousness of the situation.   Galuk (Kobold) - The Kobold Patriarch of the clan beneath the city, he was in charge of the defenses of the sewers. He seems to have misunderstood the seriousness of the situation, and offered the party a job to intercept their supply lines.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 7th 294 A.D. / 2:04pm
Report Date
23 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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