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Amurrun are a curious species of humanoid that hail from all walks of the world. Notably holding high positions within the Wrekuinao Dynasty, Amurrun hold all sorts of different philosophy and personality. Similar to cats in their curiosity as well as their laziness, they will often have exciting moments where their energy bursts before they simmer down.   Amurrun are very independent people, and most notably have the highest percentage of the beast races to join up with some form of adventuring guild. They make for fantastic specialists, as a people they tend to hone a specific talent to a razor's edge.   Amurruns within the beastfolk continents of the west lean towards being very prideful, they brook no insult to their skill when it comes to serving in their clan. However, family and clan come secondary to their interests versus their own personal perfection. That isn't to say an Amurrun isn't loyal to them, but their moods can be... fickle.   Amurrun tend to of a chaotic sort, following their whims that often change on a dime. The moon gods, Hyakuuwuu, and Gambler tend to be their preferred gods of worship. Sham'oh Thalia and Shadow Weaver are also relatively popular gods. Even under the orderly regimes of the Wrekuinao Dynasty and Teobik Trust, the amurrun are hard to wrangle. The number of high class families that are amurrun fall within the double digits.  


Amurrun are humanoid cats with digitigrade legs, four fingered paw-like hands with claws, and long tails. They tend to average around 5"10 and weigh between 120-150lbs, though more feral Amurrun from the northern jungle continent and those from the southern continents of Jul and Austrulia tend to be taller and stockier. They have patterned coats of all types from snowcloaked white, mottled grays, vibrant yellowed jaguar patterns, and more.  


Type Humanoid/(Feline)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity, +2 to either Intelligence or Charisma, and -2 Wisdom
Size medium
Speed 40ft.
Language Amurrun begin play speaking three region languages. Amurrun with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Elven, Sylvan, and Undercommon.

Racial Traits

  • [1 RP] Cat’s Luck (Ex): Once per day when an Amurrun makes a Reflex saving throw, they can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. The Amurrun must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.
  • [2 RP] Speed (Ex): Amurrun are faster than most races, and have a base speed of 40ft.
  • [3 RP] Natural Hunter (Ex): Catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.
  • [1 RP] Cat’s Claws (Ex): Amurrun have two primary claws attacks that deal 1d4 points of slashing damage.
  • [0 RP] Cat Empathy: Amurrun gain a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence cats and other feline animals.
  • [1 RP] Sprinter (Ex): Amurrun gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
  • [1 RP] Low-Light Vision (Ex): Amurrun can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
  • [1 RP] Nimble Faller (Ex): Amurrun have an uncanny ability to always land on their feet. An Amurrun ignores the first 20ft of lethal fall damage, and never needs to roll an Acrobatics check to land on their feet.

Scientific Name
Cattus Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Feline   Lifespan
70-100   Typical Habitat
Any habitat, between thick furred northern amurrun to the thin furred desert amurrun. Social enough to usually be found in some form of civilization.   Average Physique
Thin and wiry, humanoid figure with catlike features. Many different coats.


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