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One of the longest standing cities within Sacriel, Cosiax sits within the northwestern portions of the isle continent. Situated underneath the base of the Spine, the southern Spine Bay is often used as a means of travel by smaller boats towards other coastal cities and to get deeper into Sacriel through the Dethvale. One of the most culturally significant cities within Sacriel, nearly every major faction has a stake in this place. The beautiful cherry blossom trees blanket the city in a shower of pink petals during the months of Mar and Abril, and the region enjoys nice temperate weather throughout the year.  


Next to the Spine Mine Mountain Line, Cosiax has ample access to the Realms down Under. Having established friendly trades with local Arach'ni tribes and Rogue Zwe'sect companies, the city enjoys quality silken threads and honey. Rich deposits of silver, gold, and gemstones are mined frequently, and show no signs of shortage arriving anytime soon. The Spinal Ruins to the west was also once thoroughly mined, though protection efforts through the decades have put a stop to that.   The cherry blossom trees that seem to be a Sacriel special are all throughout the lands near Cosiax. The wood they produce is used in artisan furnishing, and the berries are considered a delicacy amongst avian kind. The soil around the northwestern hemisphere is also of excellent quality, and fields of food are produced, distributed, and sold within the various markets of Sacriel.   Due to it's central location and access to the Spine Bay, Cosiax is a center of trade. Many different goods come through the city. The people of the city can also be considered a resource, the great racial diversity of beastfolk that live there providing many different talents. The underworld being so close by, a large bay with river and ocean access, pleasant weather and winds, Cosiax is the capital of Sacriel for a reason.  

Places of Interest

Melificent's General Demi-Emporium - Cosiax has one of Melificent's demi-emporiums within its walls. Being as convenient as it is for adventurers, most of the local businesses end up selling their adventuring gear to the wizard at around 75% its worth just so they avoid competing with the chain. With friendly attendants of all kinds, you're sure to find whatever you need there.   Two-Tailed Sales - While there are many alchemists within Cosiax, you won't find an "alchemist" quite like Shiggy Twotails. One of the cursed amuru'shi, Shiggy sells alchemical items of the strangest craft. Among his many creations are healing potions made of toad's slime with efficacy that may or may not be guaranteed, drugs that skirt the lines of recreational, and dangerous concoctions that'll set your enemies' heads spinning.   Ishy's Scrolls n' Sundries - Belonging to the wizard Ishy Gnaij, you'll find exactly what the store's name says. A strange gray and slightly blue tinged usatokki, she wears a prayer bead necklace, robes that are far too large for her, and a big odd hat. She'll sell you magical items and incense with a very friendly but aloof vibe. The store is a sort of crooked tower on the outside, about 25ft tall. Inside, it is neatly arranged and simple with strange glowing blue spectres that float about.   Thuaxl's Blacksmithery - One of the few of some dozens of blacksmiths in Sacriel, Thuaxl's store is where you can go to get any sort of metalworking you need. The green lizardfolk is a master craftsman, hailing from the swamp tribes of Dethvale. He's been providing all sorts of metalcraft for the city some time now. Nails, horseshoes, hinges, weapons, and armor, he'll take on any and all commission. Always cordial, he has not yet failed to deliver a quality product.   The Sew and the Scale - What is essentialy a residential home with a simple wooden sign outside its door you'll find the Sew and Scale. Through the window you can see mannequins setup, with elegant gowns and protective vestments of leather armor. Were you to step inside, you'd find a comely little place and the wyvaran Ithneith. A leatherworker and quiet fashionista, she likes to sell protection and style. She is the target of some targetted racism in the city however, the outside of her store usually makes this apparent.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Capital of Sacriel, Jewel of the Spine
Large city
Location under
Related Reports (Primary)


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