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Shadow Weaver

The Shadow Weaver

A mysterious Theotian made of the essence of shadow stuff, The Shadow Weaver is the antithesis of light. Some would associate that innately with evil, but Glojarl is an example of light not always being a positive force for good. The Shadow Weaver is a vigilante, acting outside the bounds of law and order to accomplish their goals. Hindering the machinations of those who would seek others harm, few even realize before its too late that they're in the web of The Shadow Weaver.   Followers of the Shadow Weaver are those with good hearts that believe the rules around do more worse than good. The 'terrorist' organization Dunesfell within Rabul are practitioners of The Shadow Weaver's way, silently freeing slaves within the markets and destabilizing the authority that would maintain this. Theotians such as Mordrakan and Slaveku particularly hate the Shadow Weaver, as their followers are always in conflict with one another.   Oddly enough, So'lith does not approve of the Shadow Weavers tactics or domains. That isn't to say they haven't worked together in the past, both still believing in the values of good, but they most certainly don't seek such arrangements. Public rebuff is also common with communities that follow the Sun God.   The Shadow Weaver is quite friendly with followers of the god Lunayin. Said to envelope the light she casts over the planet with a protective shadow, followers between the two collaborate quite frequently.   There is magic in the shadows weave. A neutral force to be used for evil or good. While the Shadow Weaver perpetuates the Shadow domain, they are not the only that use it. As followers of the Shadow Weaver, to see shadow used for evil purpose is one of the most sacrilegious acts possible. It is demanded of any follower to put a stop to such acts whenever possible.


A creature of shadow, wispy and ghostlike and with no physical form. Their symbol is that of a wavy tendril of shadow.

Divine Domains

Judgement (Chaos as associated domain)

Tenets of Faith

  • Shadow shall never be used to commit acts of evil.
  • The law is nothing to consider, distribute judgement your own way.
  • Slavery is vile and needs to be rooted out.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Shadow Weaver
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Darkness
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Wispy tendrils of shadow


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