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The Hungry One

Always gorging, looking for more to devour, the King of Feasting is an evil oriented Theotian that indulges in gluttony and sacrifice. Jyodjit has simple scripture that its followers must follow, the risk and reward offered by it cannot be backed out of.   An actively despised Theotian amongst the pantheon, Jyodjit has few allies even amongst its evil kin. Jyodjit seeks to devour essences, disrupting the Journey of any delivered into its maw. Jyodjit awards those that perform the Jyovorlosk ritual, a taboo and disgusting ritual that snares the essence of a creature, kills them, and delivers them to Jyodjit's maw. Utterly despicable, their essence is intrinsically harmed that when they return to The Threads of Fate, their next incarnation is weakened. Followers of Charon and The Gentle Mourning seek to root out any that would follow this evil being, the Lady in Black having exclusive permission to bring death to any who would take up its dark promises.   Some believe that Jyodjit serves as a dark path for all beings. Even the most stalwart paladin can find themselves eaten by the eternal devoured, proof that even if your life is filled with just cause, your next can just as easily be ruined. Jyodjit does not care what others or anyone think of it. It only seeks more, the purpose of so not even known. What does it gain from devouring a creatures essence, and will it one day become even more powerful than The Primordial Wyrm?   Only fools make deals with The Maw. The desperate, the power hungry, the insane. These are the creatures Jyodjit seeks to make deals with. While it's deals are simple, following up on them is always difficult. The ritual is hated, and no small count of heroes will come to see to your end. The price for failure is signed in your blood, your essence forfeit. Once you've achieved your quota however, the power is yours to do with as you see fit.


A massive maw with thousands of arms extending from it. Jyodjit's symbol is that of the maw, surrounded by eight crossed arms wielding khopeshes.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Perform the Jyovorlosk and gain power.
  • Sign your essence to Jyodjit should you fail to deliver adequate sacrifice.
  • It's power will be yours, but Jyodjit will always offer more. Jyodjit encourages its followers to be greedy.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Eternal Devourer, King of Feasting, Lord of Hunger
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Maw surrounded by 8 crossed arms, each wielding a khopesh.


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