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The Underwater Kingdoms of Aldebaran

The Founding of the Underwater Kingdoms

Through the power of the Soul of the Ocean, what once only belong to deep sea dwelling monsters and other murkey fiends can now be inhabitated by the various peoples that walked on land. For two thousand years and more, these kingdoms have gone through phases of prosperity and decline. Starting as an experimental colony in the year 2314 B.Y.O.D., the people that were made by the artifact, the Oshalus, would spread throughout Aldebaran's oceans and form kingdoms. Many of the original kingdoms still stand today, the whole collective being known as the "Underwater Kingdoms of Aldebaran".  

Recent History

Once, the Underwater Kingdoms had been accepting, any who felt the ocean's call were welcomed to join them in their depths. Though the reasons are hard to determine exactly, the gates to entering these kingdoms have become far more difficult to pass through. Some believe that the surface is too volatile, the surface folk too dangeorus. Rumors to the opposite effect believe that there is a danger that exists deep within the planet, a secret that must be kept. Nevertheless, trade, skirmishes, and communications between the underwater kingdoms and those of the surface all but halted in the year 174 A.Y.O.D. The Kingdoms had made this decision, much to the bewilderment of its citizens and the surface.   Nowadays, information of whatever happens below the waters is kept to a minimum, the general public of the surface receiving no word. Oshalus that enter the surface or communicate with surfacers are considered to have committed treason. Hunting parties will be formed to find those that try to escape and kill them. For those that commit heinous crimes, exile is often a punishment considered. Through memory wiping magics, they are sent to the surface to live out the rest of their days, unable to ever truly reintegrate with their people.  

The Kingdoms


The Hypliboreas Kingdom

What the Oshalus consider the first kingdom that formed from the discovery of the Soul of the Ocean, the Hypliboreas is one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms in the world. Centered in between Isrem and The Whirl, they control a vast swathe of the seas in the Pylicarni and Cosignus Oceans. The Hypliboreas are mostly Beastfolk, descendants from Wom'lai, Sacriel, The Whirl, and the western side of Isrem.   The Hypliboreas are a strong and proud people, contending economically and militarily with even that of the Wrekuinao Dynasty. As that is, they are not friends and often engaged against each other in skirmishes. Merchants sent to trade across the Cosignus Ocean were oft armed with military support in case tariffs were imposed. Since the sudden retreat however, these attempts have stopped, and ships are free to travel across the kingdom's surfaces unharmed.   The Hypliboreas Kingdom is where the Soul of the Ocean resides. Those that wish to become an Oshalus head there.
Geopolitical, Empire


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