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The Weave

The Weave

An astoundingly complex set of mystic leylines that cover the world of Aldebaran and its moons, it is the primary way mages and divine casters are capable of making what should be impossible happen. From the explosive properties of a fireball to the minute changes of a wisdom enhancing spell, all of this is done with the weave.  


It is believed the Utosserix, the Serpent of Creation, was the one who created the weave. It was an method for mortals to cast magic ss part of the Rise against Dragonkind, which occurred in 2941 B.Y.O.D. The weave are magical leylines, and it is a special property of Aldebaran. When one attempts to observe the weave beyond Aldebaran though, it seems to be absent from the rest of the solar system. Wizards that have gone to other planets need to bring something that creates a momentary space of weave or a scroll with the embedded weave magic within, lest they find themselves unable to ever return. This also implies that the Aldebaran is the only planet that the Theotians have dominion over, but this is just a theory.  


The weave can be discerned by even the simplest of magics, commonly known as the Detect Magic spell. Using this spell, one is able to view the lines of the weave and interpret things. Is a weapon cursed, does this person have certain spells upon them, what kind of material is this metal? All of this can be determined via the weave. Lead for instance has an extremely simple and thick weave. It cannot be manipulated, and it blocks any weave from being viewed behind the lead. Likewise, wood is far more malleable. One is able to see the weave beyond wood to a certain point, but at some point in becomes impossible. People are naturally also connected to the Weave. If you wanted to change someones weave to be stronger, you'd tap into the weave that makes up their muscles and simulate a spell of strength, commonly known as Bull's Strength. Another example would be if someone tried to alter another creature's emotional state. There are many ways to do this, hold person for example disrupts the brains ability to send weave throughout the body, effectively paralyzing a creature. Another example would be the spell Unnatural Lust. What the spell attempts to do is flood the blood with homornal weave directed at a target, thus creating the effect. Everything had a weave, and it can be manipulated.  

Magic before the Weave

When dragons ruled the world, they were the only ones who could cast magic. Of course there were other creatures of tremendous power, but magic back then was limited, formed differently. The weave is a gift from the Theotians, an interlacing over the world that is essentially the Primordial Wyrm's essence. Before that though dragons used their own power, their own life, to cast magic. What is now known as primordial magic in the modern era, dragons pooled their souls together in an ancient relic called the Draconic Reservoir of Souls. When one needed to cast magic, they'd use their soul as a link to said relic and draw forth the energy necessary to cast their spell. This magic was primordial, the same type of magic used by the Theotians to make the world and the weave. Raw, devastating energy that creates the rules.   One might ask, how did creatures live without a weave? The simple answer is that they didn't, the weave always sort of existed. What gave the dragons such power was their ability to alter it before the god Utosserix made it possible for mortals. Technically, if a creature was powerful enough, they could use their life to create primordial magic and alter the rules of the world. Doing so is infeasible for most though, it is why the Theotians are as they are, gods. When Utosserix created the weave, they essentially spread the Primordial Wyrm's power over the world of Aldebaran. Anyone capable of understanding these threads could manipulate them and cast magic.  

Arcane vs. Divine

The weave has two properties, one is its base arcane nature. Wizards and sorcerers are able to manipulate this in the most basic sense. While sorcerers simply feel it out, and wizards actually calculate how to manipulate the weave exactly as they want, they both are only capable of interacting with the weave in a way to manipulate it. Divine casters, those blessed by the gods, are given access to the weave in a different way. A cleric for instance is capable of creating and displacing weave. In this way, divine caster can do things such as create food out of nothing, heal wounds, and perform supernatural abilities that are unreproducible. Should we also not forget, Bards and Witches are arcane casters that are also capable of such things. That they are, but witches oft have a domain, in which they are lent such abilities from a patron, while bards interlace with the weave that is somehow unique through form of song. Some believe it's a form of sound weave, an entirely different interaction with regards to the weave. Truly, no one but a bard knows how they do it, even the highest mages in the world are incapable of understanding such magics.  

Primordial Magic

A raw form of untapped magic, primordial weave is a separate form of weave. Existing outside of the bounds, it exhibits dangerous and nigh uncontrollable potential. It is thought that the original weave was primordial magic made and tempered into a fashion that mortalkind could use to fight back against the dragons. Primordial magic is rare and is thought to come in different types. It is finite within Aldebaran, and it is thought that only the Theotians are able to produce more, but that isn't even confirmed. For types of primordial magic, Aldebaran seems to be most prevalently steeped in primordial color. It does have other forms however. Sound, for instance, is another form of primordial magic.   This magic is very much unresearched. Instances of primordial magic seem to even be able to affect the fabled material called black stone, a rare stone that is even more resistant to magic then lead is. Even more so, black stone seems to resonant with primordial magic. What this could mean, and why there exists so many old ruins of black stone, remains a mystery.


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