Aiodu River Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Aiodu River (a OH do)

the Wall of the West


The winding shallow waters of the Aiodu River run through the thick forests of north central Jerain. The river flows out from the endless storms in the Gauntlet and feed into Lake Bemused to the northeast. Plant life thrives in the waters, with some of the river's central region so thick with freshwater plants that a traveler could walk right into the river thinking it just another part of the overgrown forest. The waters closer to Lake Bemused are teeming with algaes that turn the water green and turquoise during the summer months while glowing a soft light blue during the winter nights.


To the people of northeastern Jerain the river is sometimes called the 'Wall of the West'. In their traditions it is the farthest point inland a traveler can journey safely. Or rather, despite the dangers of the harsh wilderness of northern Jerain, it is the point one can travel to, through the land, and return. Those crossing the river never seem to make it back. This is most likely due to the Dragon of Pemplum's Labyrinth. Although the boundaries of the Labyrinth do not reach as far east as the Aiodu River, the Scaled Court still hold influence beyond their borders. Greens are rarely seen outside of the safety of their domain, should the venture out to hunt down a foe, the Aiodu is a line they will never cross. As the people east of the river consider it a 'point of no return,' so to do the dragons the other way. Greens are terrified of coursing the river, seeing it as a cursed action, bad luck, or an omen of ill. No green that has ever crossed the Aiodu has lived long after.



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