Scaled Court Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Scaled Court

the Green Garden


The Scaled Court is a lose political system of control by the Dragon of Pemplum's Labyrinth. Originally dominated by the ancient green dragon Pemplum the Potentate during the Areian Age the Scaled Court of today is controlled by an ever-changing triumvirate of the three strongest and most cunning of the greens dwelling within.


Though the dragons use terms like 'court' or 'kingdom' in reference to their system of control, there is little resemblance to either. These dragons are eternally locked in a battle of intrigue with each other, working to outwit their rivals. This is primarily done through their pawns throughout the forest, as each play a game of chess with the other, maneuvering, manipulating, and countering each others actions for dominance. With the three strongest playing the game at the next level, controlling their local dragons to keep their rivals in check as well as keeping their minion focused away from turning on them.


Though the greens hate each other and would gladly work to destroy other members of the 'court', they see the alliance as a necessary evil. They know full well that the Elf of the Loslands and Fairy of the Brimland would slaughter them to the last dragon if not for the close gathering of so many of their kind that would swarm to slaughter intruders of the court. A fact that is in plain sight, as the greens that live outside of Pemplum's Labyrinth are nearly all killed off, with only a handful remaining across Jerain.

Political, Triumvirate


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