Alumite Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the First Builders


The Alumite, according to myth, were one of the first people created by Alu, along with the Jaraite and Adaite. Few records survive detailing these most ancient people. The Alumite are only briefly spoken of in the Sacred Codex. It is the Dwarf people, however, that have the most information to share with modern scholars of the Alumite, written in the Stonefoot Carvings. The Carvings expand the gaps in mythology and history missing from other text.


To the dwarven people the Daemon tribe of Alumite were their forefathers. They see themselves as the descendants of those Alumites that spread into the Wat Qu Watten, the modern Cutting Mountains. Dwelling in those mountains so rich with Kianon, these first people, their bodies a part of the Anon (Magic) itself evolved. The descendants of Alumites, their bodies, their souls, and their power, dwarves are one with the kianon. They are connected to the world like no other. In dwarven creation myth they were born of Alumite and the mother Aldern.

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