Jaraite Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the First Traders


According to the Sacred Codex, Alu created the Daemon people at the beginning of time, placing three tribes in Garden; the Adaite, the Alumite and the Jaraite. Little is known of these tribes beyond their creation and location in Garden. While tales of the Adaite and Alumite are found in other source such as the Epic of Can and the Stonefoot Carvings, only fragments remain of Jaraite. The Codex states the tribe lived east Aterleg in the 'quiet forest,' and that Fey was a 'child of the Jaraite.' Beyond this only clues are found in texts and traditions, with little conclusive information.


What is known is that the Jaraite spread through Jarid, south out of Garden, as their numbers grow. At some point in the early Randeny Period a cultural divide was developing between those that lived in the north in Jarid, and those in the south in the land called 'Beyond the Nora River' by the Epic of Can. The dwellers beyond the river embraced the Nod Noch way of life, building settlements.


Across the Nora River, closer to Garden, the Jaraite lived the old way, free and roaming. These people began traveling more beyond their forest, some as far as Bad Enman Anna. Jaraite would bring the 'fruits of the forest' unable to be found in the mountains to trade for the new copper beads developed by the Araduns. Of which the Jaraites began weaving into their hair. By 3300 pre-sc these Jaraites were traveling across Garden in all directions, as far as the Canaab Sea, trading beads for regional foods, and then returning to the Araduns for more beads.


As the Randeny passes on, it is said that most Jaraite of the old way continue to live as the ancestors had. Naked, free and wandering. They have spread across southern Ethae, and it is said that their are Jaraite living as far south as Elder Tree Hamis even centuries before the Aggelomachy begins.


After the Aggelomachy

After the war very few Jaraites remained. Even less with the era of ice that followed. The few survivors were those that dwelt within Hamis' Mantle, protected from the bitter glaciers by the warmth of the Elder Tree. the Los have myths of the first people of their land, nourished by Hamis. Scholars connect this pagan myth with the Aggelomachy stories of the north, believing the two to tell the same tale of early mankind in Southern Jerain. According to the myths Hamis, in order to protect these people from the harsh world altered their bodies to survive. They could survive the harsh weather and blend in with the surrounding forest to hide from the surviving predators that stalked the land. The skin of each generation shifted slowly into tones of blues and greens as a result of this magic. Los legends claim these are the Nymph origins.

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