Adaite Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the First Farmers


In religious legends the Adaite were one a tribe of Daemon at the beginning of history. Along with the Alumite and Jaraite tribes, the Adaite were created by Alu and placed in Garden under the shade of Aterleg. Like the other two tribes, little is recorded of this early family of people beyond their creation and placement in Garden. They are said to have dwelt in the western region of the land, what the Sacred Codex calls the 'cool meadows,' living in harmony with nature.


The Epic of Can claims that the Adaite wandered their land of Enish freely eating and enjoying each other. They sculpted clay into animals they saw, letting it dry in the sun. Later making cup like shapes to carry water and the seeds they gathered. The Epic of Can states that they would spread the seeds of flowers through their land to create colorful patterns. Little else is known of these early enigmatic people. It is their later subcultures, such as the Canite and Enishan that history remembers.

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