Amru Sea Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Amru Sea

the Parcel Divide


The Amru Sea, or Parcel Divide, is a sea that is considered part of the Piercing Ocean north of Anbar of the major continent of Ethae. The sea is the divide between the Thoamaine Peninsula and the Parcel Cluster to its north. It is by far one of the most traveled waters of Tinjir. Not a summer day can go by without fishing boats, ferries, merchant ships, or Parcel League vessels passing each other.


The sea's climate reflects the region of its parent ocean, albeit considerably calmer do to being sheltered by the islands and the peninsula. Summers are the best for travel, with drier air and steady winds. Spring and fall are wetter, with light rains, but the waters are easily navigable. Winter, like much of the region, is stormy and dangerous. The Amru Sea does, as stated, have some shelter thanks to the Parcel Cluster. The islands buffer the harsher freezing storms that plague the Piercing Ocean. It is ill-advised to travel open oceans during this season, with the same going for the Amru Sea.



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