Parcel Cluster Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Parcel Cluster

Parcel Archipelago


The Parcel Cluster, also known as the Parcel Archipelago, is one of the many island groups of the seas between Novyum and Anbar of the major continent of Ethae. The Parcels make up the western islands of the Pryde Waters. They are bordered by the Piercing Ocean in the north and west and the Amru Sea to the south. Sitting north of the Thoamaine Peninsula, the Parcels are considered part of the Tinjir geopolitical region.


While all of the islands around the Pryde Waters seem to have some volcanic activity in the prehistoric periods, the Parcels are considered some of the youngest islands. There are no active volcanoes on the islands. However, active thermal vents and fissures can be found on many of the islands. The rock of the islands, like most of the Pryde Water islands, are created from ancient lava flows. These rocks are often sharper and younger than the more weathered eastern islands, adding credibility to the theory that the Parcels are young.


This cluster of islands is home to the Parcel nation, a loose alliance of the various island's dwellers. Though there is recorded evidence of earlier inhabitants, the modern Parcel people trace their lineage to the Capedian at the height of Old Capedo control over the western seas. Most of the original natives were killed during the Parcel War, and it was later generation of Capedian settlers and immigrants that eventually replaced the surviving people through overwhelming assimilation.


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