Parcel League Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Parcel League

the Sea-Captains of Parcel

The Parcel League in a loose organization of ship fleets that patrol the waters around the Parcel Cluster islands. While most outsiders believe their oath bound duty is to protect the islands from invaders from foreign enemies, the League was actually founded to protect the islanders from themselves. Founded during the Novya occupation of Tinjir, the League was created, and tasked, with keeping the endless squabbles between the royal families of the islands from spilling into civil war. It was the League that was designed to coordinate travel between islands, controlling the flow of rivals from one island to another. This was to prevent the many assassinations and raids that were so common to the islands prior to them joining the United Kingdoms of Novyum.


The original League was made up of sea-captains and crew of mainland Novyum descent, to prevent bias and favoritism. Over time Parcel crewmembers were hired, mostly from the commoner stock, with little allegiance to the royal families. In the modern-day League ships are almost exclusively captained by Parcel, though these captains see the League ships as their native homes rather than any island. The rest of the officers and crew can be of any ethnicity and race but must take strict vows and oaths. These include remaining neutral in Parcel affairs, and while they can take shore leave, their assigned ship in the permanent home for life. While the later may sound harsh, often these crews are made of Parcels trying to escape a less than ideal life.


After the decline of United Novyum the League shifted to the modern roll of defending their home waters. This however often leads to them being glorfied pirates extracting heavy tolls on ships entering their territory, including the Amru Sea, the only waterway highway between Novyum and Tinjir. This has led to an entire flag system being developed by the league to establish those that have paid tolls, are Parcel natives, Tinjir merchants, or foreign entities. Each flag having its own tax and changed annually to prevent forgery or exploitation.


It is unknown how many Parcel League fleets patrol the waters of the islands; estimates are up to a dozen circle the islands. These fleets size vary as well. All have one or two galleons at their core, with other ships such as carracks, caravels, and schooners in support. The smaller faster vessels often used as scouts for the main fleet.

Military, Navy


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