Aurora Iridis Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aldern | World Anvil

Aurora Iridis (AH roar ah EAR ah dis)

the Rainbow Sky


A phenomenon of multicolored ribbons of light that occurs in the sky during spring and autumn over the Cota Ocean along the equator. It only occurs over the open ocean far from land but is consistent throughout the season. The Dagmon of Dergonhad know it as the 'Celestial Line' and use it to navigate across the Cota as the aurora runs parallel to the equator line and on a clear night can be seen for several hundreds of miles.


The aurora is knonwn to be caused by the Solanon of Juva hitting Aldern's magic rich atmosphere. Occurring during spring and autumn when the distant world rounds the sun into and away from the radiance of the distant star. It is unknown why it only occurs over the oceans and not over land. The Criup Ocean is believed to also have the aurora, but the dangers of traveling that ocean, along with consistent storms during spring and autumn prevent much study of the Criup's aurora.


The aurora appears in shades of green nearest to the world, which often seem to shift into the blue spectrum the higher one travels into the air. In autumn the aurora's upper bands are shades of pink and red. In spring these upper colors are bright purple and violet.


Aurora Iridis dwells in the upper atmosphere, beyond the flight range of nearly all on Aldern. Adventurers have claimed to have traveled up into the aurora and experienced a euphoric feeling through their body, spirit, and soul. These are considered outlandish tales of charlatans and want-to-be adventurers rather than the real thing.



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