Bates Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil


Anciet Krustallo


Situated on the east coast of the Ireskanest Sea of Novyum, Bates is a Human fishing town that sits somewhat isolated from the rest of the region. Far from the trade lanes of the sea that travel from Arada Way to the western ports, coupled with the eastern mountains at its back, Bates is often forgot about by the outside world. Due to this it has, by in large, been able to ignore the political shifts and civil wars that have plagued Novyum over the last century. A fact that the people of the town are rather proud of.


Bates is built on the ruins of more ancient cities dating back to as far as the Valmon Age. Capedian ruins can be seen below the sea just beyond its breakwater, and foundations of its rounded port is Lakortha in style and origin.


Beyond the town proper the sloping hills are well suited for farming in the temperate weather of the region. Most of these farms are small, just enough to sustain the townsfolk. Farther down the coast to the south larger farms exist that are coped with the Dwarf of the mountains. Though it is mostly the people of Bates that farm them for the dwarves, who in exchange trade valuable tools of all sorts to the people.


To its east is its only real 'claim to fame', Crystal Peak. A mountain with a great ice cap at its top that is semitransparent and thought mystical by nearly all who see it. A longstanding friendship with the dwarves of the region has survived for generations, dating back to the Lakorthian Age. A gift the dwarves gave to the Bates people is a tunnel that passes under Crystal Peak's range. This tunnel travels for five miles underground before coming out on the slopes of the east side of the mountains. This has giving opening to easier access to overland trading. Before this tunnel merchants would have to circle far north to circle through harsh passes to reach Bates.



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