Battle of Drifis Military Conflict in Aldern | World Anvil

Battle of Drifis

Seige of Paras


The Battle of Drifis, sometimes called the Seige of Paras, was a seige campaign on the island of Drifis in the Parcel Cluster during the Parcel War (4518sc-4521sc.) Capedian attack the island in 4520sc, sieging the island's largest city, Paras. Though the Capedians killed nearly every citizen on the island in the months long seige, the natives held the island and their city until help from the Lhakenwed arrived to crush the suprised Capedians.


The Battle of Drifis ended up a complete disaster for the Capedians. The Lhakenwed reinforcements captures most of the near empty ships sieging the island, with any Capedian able fleeing, abandoning their ranks. The bulk of the Capedian army, being on the island was stranded till the wars end a year later. Mostof these men died, either by nature, or by hunting parties of Tinjin rangers. The surviving Capedian soldiers were left on the island after the war by their leadership.

Conflict Type


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