Lhakenwed Organization in Aldern | World Anvil


the Lhakamen Alliance


The Lhakenwed, was the successor state of the Tinjar Confederation, when the later fell to civil war in 4426sc. The two largest city-states on the southern coast of Tobia's Gulf, Polis and Pampont joined into the alliance within a year of the wars beginning in Thoamaine Peninsula.


The first years of the Lhakenwed, saw the two cities consolidating power in their respective regions. The Polinis spread their control through the Thorn Horn mountains villages and established satellite colony villages along the Cota Ocean coast, as far west as the lands that make up the modern day Cavean Union. Ashara traditions of today state the city was founded during this time by the Polinis. Pampont spread its influence into the forested river lands, conquering the many small hamlets they found within. They would assign a primary task for each new hamlet conquered. One would become a wood cutting hub, while another fishing, or game hunting, all feeding the primary city Pampont. These hamlet’s chieftains became wealthy all while their citizens were slaves in all but name.


As the Lhakenwed influence grew, Lhaka language became the dominant region of the southern coast, even spreading to the nomadic tribes traveling the Desert of Anbar. The old Thoaform Alphabet script was replaced with the early Capedian Alphabet, thought to have been brought in by the migrating peoples during the Black Collapse.


It was also during the height of the Lhakenwed that the Mursila Games traditionally began, disputably in the year 4444sc. Originally these games were established between Polis and Pampont as a way to keep any tension between the two powers and their people in check.

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