Paras Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Paras (PARE as)

Old Dorian


Paras is the largest city on the island of Drifis, one of the major islands of the Parcel Cluster. Evidence points to the old city on which Paras is built, Dorian, being established sometimes during the Black Collapse. That assumption is bases more on local legends and poems rather than hard facts however. Most of the legends of Dorian's founding include settlers sailing from Kronar, led, or chased, to the site by a Yig. These tales claim the great snake swallowed their ship after the people stepped on land, preventing them from returning home. In the modern day yigs are sacred beast to the people of Paras, appearing on much of their art.


During the Parcel War, Dorian was put under seige by the Capedian and nearly destroyed before help could arrive to relieve the surviving citizens. This event in 4520sc is known as the Battle of Drifis, one of the key victories that would lead to the end of the war a year later. The locals claim yig swarmed the Capedian fleet to aid in the defense of their island. There are no recordings of this among surviving Capedian texts, however.


After the war the city was rebuild, taking the name Paras, though no records survive as to where the name came from. Despite the bitter war, the city was one of the first to take in Capedian settlers and tradesman. With the influx of people the city was rebuilt quickly, becoming a major port for trade in the early years after the war.


The deline of the Capedians and the rise of Lakorth saw Paras, and Drifis, decline. The Lakortha found little use of the island's resource in favor of the larger islands such as Kronar. This fact has continued into the modern day, with Paras largely disconnected from the outside world beyond the Parcel islands. While trade and political intrigue still continue between there neighboring islands, the people of Paras, and Drifis as a whole, dislike outsiders and will often refuse port for any other than fellow Parcel.


Drifis is largely ignored by most, with Paras being the only port any ship considers. While fishing is a major source of food for the people of the island, it is little more than that. The only export of the island is the Obsidian found throughout its ancient hills. The people of Paras make a rather lucrative profit selling this luxury item to the other islands of the Parcel Cluster.


The city itself is built on cliffs overlooking the sea, on the north side of the island. Most of the buildings of the city were built of stone during the Lakorthian Age and have changed little over the centuries. A point of pride for the citizens, who work diligently to maintain these ancient structures.



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