Blue Coble

Sea Goblin


Blue Cobles are cousins to the more commonly known Coblyn of Novyum. These Goblin, though shorter, only standing at most four feet tall. Other than this they are hard to phsyically distinguish from Coblyns. Both groups have same green skin tones, large pointed ears, and clawlike feet that are never in shoes. Blue Cobles also have the same wanderlust as the Coblyns.


What differentiates the Blue Cobles from their kin is the love of ships and the sea. Blue Cobles like to see new places, but also have the instinctual need for a home, like so many other goblin kind. Somewhere in history this breed of goblin learned that ships fulfill both of these needs. These solitary goblins sneak aboard ships, hiding deep in the dark bowels among the storage, coming out at night when the sailors sleep. In the past, when discovered they were seen as vermin, not better than rat stowaways. In the modern day, however, many ship crews favor the idea of a Blue Coble on their ship. A good luck charm for sailors.


These goblins, like the Broonie in Southern Jerain that bond with an estate, connect and bond with the ship they travel on. Once connected to the ship in this way, a Blue Coble will always know which direction and how far away that ship is. They are driven to return to their ship, and are cvengeful to any that try to keep them off it. They have the ability to move through the ship quickly and easily, walls and doors seem to give them no hindrance.


When a kind crew leaves out food for the goblin it will in turn clean and maintain the ship, reaching places the Human sailors cannot. Though they usually stay hidden from sight, some have been known to become an active member of the crew. Working and playing among them. And though they prefer staying on their ship, or never going far from it, they will join their crew friends on adventures if needs be. Blue Cobles align themselves with their ships crew if treated well. Their outlook of the world shifting to match their crew friends. A goblin of a royal naval vessel will see a need to protect the interest of the nation's seas, while on pirate ship it will take on the pirate's way of thinking.


Though a somewhat solitary creature, unlike the Coblyns that are fine with a solo life, Blue Cobles are always on the lookout for others of their kind when two ships meet. There is a celebration among them when they meet, but they will always go their separate ways, staying with their ships as they move on.


A Blue Coble would rather go down with their ship than try to escape. One that does loses its ship due to sink or other destruction is a pitiful creature, falling into a deep depression. They become desperate to find a new home and can grew aggressive and violet to other goblins on ships as they trying to claim it as their own.


It should be noted that ships can have more than one goblin. Some of the largest vessels will have up to a dozen. If room permits of course. These large 'crews' of Blue Cobles will elect a leader among them that will have all the interactions with the human. The others remain hidden, sneaking out at night to clean and repair their ship as a team, only to scurry away into the shadowy depth of the great ship to wait out nightfall once more.

Ability Score Modifiers:

A Blue Coble can increase three different ability scores by 1 point each.


Alignment: A Blue Coble with have an alignment in line with the crew of the ship it occupies. Something that can change, with no penility

Age: Coblyn live for about a century, but do not age the same as human. When they reach adulthood (ending their teen years) their bodies remain the same through the rest of their lives. Eventually they will feel their time has come to an end and will lay down and pass away in their sleep.

Size: (Medium) Taller than most of their kind Coblyn can reach 4 to 5 feet tall..

Speed: 30

Darkvision: Though the spend much of their lives on the surface in the sunlight, Coblyns still retain their ancestorial nature. Goblyns have the ability to see in natural darkness up to 60 feet.

Goblin Kind: Creatures of magic Coblyn have advantage on mind controlling and sleep-based effects.

Goblin Fury: When damaging a 'hated foe' with an attack or with magic the Coblyn deals extra damage equal to their proficiency bonus. A 'hated foe' is the first person or creature to land a strike on the Coblyn during combat. It is only a single target and remains so until that 'foe' is slain. At which time a new 'hated foe' will be the next to hit the Coblyn.

Nimble: When trying to escape combat, A Coblyn can us the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action.


Language: Coblyns, kind all goblin kind, instictively known the langauge Gobbledygook. A language only goblins seem to be able to understand. Coblyns, constant travels, learn the Common Tongue as well, knowing it will be the most common language encountered.


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