
Road Goblin


The etymology of the name Coblyn comes from a bastardization of 'cobbles', a Novya slang term for the Lakortha roads that web the Northern Reach of Ethae, and 'Goblin', the species of these creatures. Coblyns are a breed of goblin with a wanderlust. A rare, if not contradictory, trait for a species that has an instinct for claiming a home and never leave.


Native to Novyum, and most commonly found there, the Coblyns have spread worldwide, even thriving in the the Dark Hemisphere. A statement that makes it sound like they are everywhere, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting one, but this is misleading. Coblyns numbers are tiny and spread across Aldern. This is due to two reasons. The first is the innate fear, usually rightly so, that Humans have for the goblin species. Coblyns cannot just enter a town to resupply for their travels without being shunned, at best, or, more often, killed outright. This has led them to find adventuring parties to join, for protection and companionship.


The second reason there are so few Coblyns is they rarely travel together. Each individual has their own reasoning for this, but in general Coblyns do not seem to like spending time with their own people. Be it due to them finding their own kind boring, annoying, or repulsive, Coblyns would rather walk alone. Exceptions are there, with some friendships forming between two Coblyns. Two may even find love and marry. More often however, two Coblyn meeting and sticking together is a rare thing indeed. Two may work together for a common goal but will go their separate ways after. This also applies to reproduction. Coblyn will, on occasion, find a compatible mate, at least temporarily. Commonly the female will go off with the child to raise it on her own, only to send it off to see the world when it reaches the age it can take care of itself.


This does not mean there is a hatred for their own kind, and a Coblyn companion in an adventuring group is useful when encountering other goblins, of any ethnicity. All goblins speak an instictive language known as Gobbledygook, the Coblyn being no exception to this. Other goblin kind seem to be taken back by the Coblyn as well, usually willing to hear what their strange wondering companion has to say. Even the savage Garl of Hoti Canyon, seem fascinated by the Coblyn,(though it should be warned this doesn't last long and usually ends bloody).


Coblyn are taller than most of their kind, stand between four to five feet tall. Males are usually taller than females. Like most of their people their skin tone is that of green, most commonly, though browns and grey appear in some lineages. Hair is rare on male Coblyn and usually grey when it does grow, though green pigments are not unheard. Females will always have some hair on their heads, often only around their ears and back, but full heads of hair are not rare. Hair color in females is also commonly grey, though blacks and greens are seen as well. Female Coblyn heads are larger than their male counterparts. This along with hair is usually how non goblins tell the sexes of Coblyns apart. Nearly every goblin, no matter the ethnicity seems to loath wearing fancy clothing, opting rather to wear rags, hand-me-downs, or cobbled together pieces. Shoes and boots are never worn, they like the feel of the world beneath their feet.

Ability Score Modifiers:

A Coblyn can increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different score by 1


Alignment: Coblyns have a neutral outlook on the world, enjoying more the exploring and seeing the difference of place to place rather than judging it. They are said to be relatively good hearts and kind to those they like or when meeting a stranger, but their vicious goblin nature can come out when facing a foe.

Age: Coblyn live for about a century, but do not age the same as human. When they reach adulthood (ending their teen years) their bodies remain the same through the rest of their lives. Eventually they will feel their time has come to an end and will lay down and pass away in their sleep.

Size: (Medium) Taller than most of their kind Coblyn can reach 4 to 5 feet tall..

Speed: 30

Darkvision: Though the spend much of their lives on the surface in the sunlight, Coblyns still retain their ancestorial nature. Goblyns have the ability to see in natural darkness up to 60 feet.

Goblin Kind: Creatures of magic Coblyn have advantage on mind controlling and sleep-based effects.

Goblin Fury: When damaging a 'hated foe' with an attack or with magic the Coblyn deals extra damage equal to their proficiency bonus. A 'hated foe' is the first person or creature to land a strike on the Coblyn during combat. It is only a single target and remains so until that 'foe' is slain. At which time a new 'hated foe' will be the next to hit the Coblyn.

Nimble: When trying to escape combat, A Coblyn can us the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action.


Language: Coblyns, kind all goblin kind, instictively known the langauge Gobbledygook. A language only goblins seem to be able to understand. Coblyns, constant travels, learn the Common Tongue as well, knowing it will be the most common language encountered.


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