Bura Orchold (BER ah)

The Orc Eaters


Dwelling in the deep Bura'a Valley of western Akavia's Peak, the Bura is a monsterous Orchold. These Orc practice a destorted from of the Elf faith of Woyd’lonn. For the Bura, plant life is sacred, while flesh and blood are a plague on the world. Bura orc build not of wood, but bone; their clothing is always leather and fur, when they wear clothing. These orcs never eat of plants, only meat. They see intelligent life as the highest form of food. To hunt a deer for sustance is fine, but to consume the flesh of an intelligent enemy gives you power of that enemy. The Bura will also consume other orcs, though they usually save these defeated enemies for their forest, ritualistically sprinkle the blood of other orcs on the trees of their valley.


The elderly Bura, or those bodies fallen in combat, are not buried. Rather, they are hung from trees throughout their forest to slowly get consumed by fungi, vines and other plants. Their internal organs dug out and buried to feed the soil and give new life.

Geopolitical, Tribe

Capital: None

Native People: Lhakamed Orc

Native Language: Orcish


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