Canaab Sea Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Canaab Sea (Kah NAB)

the Western Waters


Mentioned in both the Epic of Can and the Urzan Papyrus, the Canaab Sea was said, in both, a great body of water, west of Aterleg. Modern scholars believe that the Canaab Sea was part of the Cota Ocean along the western coast of Jerain where Char'wyn sits today. It is most often associated with the Sea of the Ten Sisters.


Sea levels being higher in the prehistoric periods, much of that region was below the waves during days of the Canaab Sea. In the aftermath of the Na Boon Super Volcano eruption in 2400pre-sc, came an era of ice. Shorelines worldwide receded as ice built up at the poles. For survivors of the Aggelomachy, Canaab shifted west as the Enish coast became land.


What we know today as the Merico Islands became a peninsula where some of these survivors, the Katiland people came to settle. Becoming trapped as the era of ice waned and waters filled the oceans once more.



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