Char'wyn Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Char'wyn (CHAR ah win)

the Bayou Sovereignty


Char'wyn is a nation occupying land in the marshy northwest of Jerain, part of the major continent of Ethae. It is a republic led by a council of elected repetitives from each town. Though all are considered equal in the assembly it is the city of New Port Lion is the heart of the nation and holds most importance. The city is, by default, the gateway to the rest of the country, with most travelers to and from Char'wyn using the port as an arrival or departure point. It is in New Port Lion that the republic council old their meetings.


While on maps Char'wyn holds sway over vast territories in the region, by and large this is only on paper. The largest population of the nation dwells within the city of New Port Lion itself, or in one of the many small satellite towns on nearby islands. Some remote towns dot the eastern rivers, but most of these only have control of areas around their immediate townships, and on the waters of the rivers. The border of the nation is largely arbitrary, made up of only the distance many of the natives are willing to travel from the heart of their nations. Often not even that, as many would never venture into the lands north of the Sparre that are known to be plagued with the Ranixal Bullywug and other nasty creatures. In turn, the western bayou, known as the Chambray is held by Lizardfolk tribes called the Sshalke. Though the Sshalke have a relatively peaceful relation with the Human of the nation, the two peoples rarely interact successfuly. In reality Char'wyn only hold any sway over their cities and towns, and the rivers that make up the nations highways.


Char'wyn is a melting pot of cultures. While the Charea founded the nation and are the largest division of the population, many ethnic groups and cultures have found their way to the region. Even Elf and Dwarf dwell in the land among these humans. Even a few lizardfolk of the swamp have made a home in the towns among the humans.

Geopolitical, Republic

Capital: New Port Lion

Native People: Charea

Native Language: Creya Dergon

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