Ashara Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Ashara (ash ARE ah)

City of Coins


According to local legend the city of Ashara was originally founded in 4450sc by an unnamed Polinis prince. He named the city after his favorite wife Asharena. Ashara would be built originally as a fortress port for the Polinis explorers traveling along the Anbar coast. After the decline of the Lhakenwed and the fall of Polis, the city declined as it became independent and spent centuries as little more than a crumbling ruin, who's bricks and blocks were used for fishing huts. The fishermen using the old Polinis docks, all that remained of the city.


The arrival of the Dagmon Viakagi in the latter half of the Lakorthian Age changed this. The raiders put to the sword the males and sons of the town, claiming the women and daughters as their property. Seeing the strategic advantage of the sight, the viakagi established themselves on the peninsula, building fortress down of their own. Ashara became a staging ground for Tinjir attacks, as well as one of the few permanently settled dagmon locations in the early years of the Viakagi Era.


In the follow centuries, as peace and trade between Dergonhad and Ethae become the focus, rather than conquest, Ashara shifted from a military fortress to a diplomatic center. It was in Ashara that the Cavean Union was established. Even in the modern day, and the Unions decentralized government of equal mercantile city-states, Ashara still hosts all dealing with foreign entities. While most of the other cities of the Union forces on certain industries, just as Ranos with horses, or Uosar with glass and Gold works, Ashara is a general market town. Its forces on keeping the coin flowing through all industries has given it the moniker of 'the City of Coins.'


Though the city has been sieged many times over its lifetime it has yet to fall to a conquering force by force. Its rocky terrain at the tip of the Gamgoo River delta make it difficult to approach from land. The river delta makes it near impossible to cut water from the city. As sea, the Cavea have established great siege works along its, built out from the city proper. The great catapults and artillery built on to this works provide a range surpassing most ships. This keeps ships at a distance, preventing any bombardments of the city proper.

Large city

(Early Novyum Age Painting of Ashara)


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