Enoshut Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Enoshut (EN oh shut)

the Boundary Lines of Briga


Thought to be the northern region of the fabled land of Enish, Enoshut centered on the village of Briga. While personal living space, such as caves or man made huts were used throughout daemon culture by the founding of Enoshut, it was the Enishan of Briga that took the next step in concept of ownership, claiming a plot of land for a person or family.


Enoshut gave the right to its citizens to find an area of edible vegetation and claim it for themselves or their family. The citizen would need to gain approval from the 'puhrum' (assembly of citizens). When accepted the puhrum would journey with the citizen to their new land and help gather and distribute border stones along the claim land. This would make sure that a citizen didn't claim to much and that all would know what was established. Once the stones lined the land a brick or stone structure for the family was built in the center. From then on only members of that family could use the land for food gathers.


Enoshut, so close to, if not part of Wat Qu Waten (the Cutting Mountains) had many interactions with the Dragon of Katiland to their west. Some of the citizens, said to be those friendly with the dragons build large domed structures on their land, for dragons to dwell within. Those families with connections to dragons eventually held more sway over the culture, eventually becoming the council of leaders of Enoshut, abolishing the idea of any citizen could gather for the assembly.


At the onset of the Aggelomachy the dragons are said to have influenced those loyal to them to attack those 'lesser' people who were not. The bloodly civil war that followed brought the downfall of Enoshut.


After the Aggelomachy

Enoshut culture was destroyed by the war. At wars end the Enishan had won their war against the dragons. However, the era of ice that followed the war was devastating for the mountain dwelling people. The forming glaciers forced these survivors into embracing the dragon Ninukur the Purple as their ilu(god). In their desperate need for survival the people worshipped the dragon, reforming the Cult of the Wyrm.


According to a Stonefoot Carvings, the survivor of Enoshut followed Ninukur through Wat Qu Waten to a new land of 'green grass and game'. Many did not survive. The dragon only wishing the strongest of his worshippers to continue on. In their new land, said to be northeast of Valan territory, these survivors established a new civilization, Enoshate.

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