Ninukur the Purple Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Ninukur the Purple

Ilu of Enoshut


An obscure Stonefoot Carvings, found in Mount Virides, names the ancient Dragon Ninukur the Purple as one of the great dragons of the prehistoric periods during the era of ice after the Aggelomachy. His is described as having a purple hue to his red scales.


The dragon is said in the text to have descends out of his mountain lair into the lands of Enoshut. The dragon came down to slaughter and feed, but quickly shift as the Cult of the Wyrm bow to worship and offer up willing sacrifices for the dragon to consume. Seeing the devotion of the people the dragon claims the roll of Ilu (god) of Enoshut.


The people of Enoshut saw the dragon's coming as positive, and in many ways it was. Their lands have grown cold in the era of ice at the beginning of the Randagri Period as the glaciers of the mountains deepened, and food was more and more scarce. The dragon’s presence warms them with his fire, renewing hope for survival of the people. This only strengthens the devotion of people who's ancestors had a close bond with dragons.


The Carvings record that Ninukur leads his people through the snow and ice of the mountains (assumed to be the Cutting Mountains) to a new land north of the mountains where there was grass and game. There he established a new Enoshut civilization, Enoshate, that worshipped him alone. He is eventually killed by his children Muonlar and Canonlin who take over his cult and the Enoshate people.



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