Enur Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil


the Divide


In religious text Enur is the divide between Aldern (the world) and Beyond Aldern (heaven and hell). According to this text, Enur was created by Alu at the end of the Aggelomachy to create a separation between the heavens and the world to prevent another war. For those who are educated in the studies of such matters the Enur encompasses both the astral and ethereal planes.


Within Enur, along with the astral and ethereal, is another plane, one few will mention by name. This is Etu Enur, the Shadow Realm. It is a plane of darkness, a shadowy relections Aldern itself.


Generally Enur is often thought interchangeable with Beyond Aldern by the common folk. Those learned of the planes of existence of course known if far more nuanced and complicated.

Dimensional plane

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