Etu Enur Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Etu Enur

the Shadow Realm


Etu Enur, sometimes just Etu, or the Shadow Realm, or the Plane of Shadows, is a plane of existence within Enur, the realm between Aldern (the material plane) and Beyond Aldern (the outer planes). It is a dark realm that reflects the 'real world.' Buildings, mountains, rivers, and other landmarks existing on Aldern have a melancholic reflection in Etu Enur. There is little color in the realm except what is brought in, even that will bleach out. The sky is eternally black with no stars or suns. Fire burns dim and blue, giving little warmth. Cold gray and sickly yellow wisps of illuminated fog swirl throughout providing the only light in the plane.


Little is known of Etu. The Jenuwan Order records it as being created with the rest of Enur at the end of the mythical Aggelomachy, as a prison for the Nod Noch Nine. Some Elf scholars claim its creation was a slow evolution after the legendary Juhl created the Shadow. Others claim it existed at the creation of the world as a dark reflection of Aldern. These scholars believe its cold dark energy is the source of the Shadow. Whatever it is, it is a bleak realm of despair that will pull the hope for those that enter it.

Dimensional plane


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