Frost Giants Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Frost Giants

the Giants of Arkato


"Frost giants are creatures of ice and snow, with hair and beards of pale white or light blue, and flesh as blue as glacial ice. They respect only brute strength and skill in battle."

-Monster Manual

Frost giants are savage warriors living in the frozen lands of Arkato, the south pole. Their culture respect only strength and brutality. Scars received from worthy foes are displayed and celebrated, as are trophies (usually skulls) take from defeated enemies.


The giants culture is divided between the ruling male clan of the Jotunn, and the female dominate clans of the Eoten. The Jotunn brutally reign over Arkato, ruling from their fortress on Mount Arctus, while the Eoten fight to survive in the lowlands and waters around the southern pole.


Frost giants speak their own language known to them as Juntar, but other races know simply as Giant's Tongue, or more simply Giant.

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