Eoten Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Eoten (E O ten)

the Southern Raiders


The Eoten are a Frost Giants clan of Arkato. There are thirteen Eoten ‘Aettung’ (families) among the clan. Exclusively made up of women, these groups are small with no more than a dozen or so members. The Eoten are nomadic, traveling the iceburgs in a hunt for food, for themselves and their Jotunn masters. They spend most of the spring and summer seasons hunting and raiding, returning to Mount Arctus in the fall to spend the winter months. Each aettung dwelling in large caverns carved out of the ice sheets at the base of the mountain, primarly on the Dark Hemisphere side. The scarcity of supplies, and dangers of their homeland, keep the aettung in competition for survival. While they have little love for each other, often coming to blows if they meet during a hunt, the aettung is very protective of its own members. Sharing food and tasks to maintain their small community. They will fight to protect weaker members. It is only during the Mirkill Veird that it is considered “every woman for themselves,” as all know that the Jotunn with attack an entire aettung if any single member interferes with their ‘Grand Hunt.’


Eoten are masters of navigating the deadly waters ways between the icy seas of Arkato. Their vessels, craved from ice and supported with salvaged pieces of wood and stone to reinforce its survival. These ‘Nargs’ are the mobile home of each aettung, with the oldest and weakest women staying on it to maintain the vessel while the others travel to hunt. Several of these nargs have been seen in the Sea of Mentrador and Salt Salt Sea, attacking ships that venture too far south. These are often pirates and smugglers trying to travel as far from land as possible. A captured ship is dragged south into the ice to be disassembled, its parts becoming part of a narg. The sailors, and their supplies, are used, eaten, and offered to the Jotunn as tribute. Eoten have found these raids dangerous, their vessels at risk in the warmer waters, but worth it. The supplies on board are often favored over the crew by the Jotunn. This give the Eoten a tribute to the men, without sacrificing food that can be kept alive longer, and that can provide entertainment. Some of these captives have been known to be kept alive for years, when hunts are plenty and they maintain a usefulness to their captors.

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