Jotunn Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Jotunn (YO toon)

the Tyrants of Ice


The Jotunn is a group of Frost Giants males that rule Arkato from their castle on Mount Arctus' the Light Hemisphere side. The group is made up of the strongest members of the race. It is said, mostly by them that they are direct descendants of the first giants. Their numbers are largely unknown, though traditions number them at thirteen members at any given time. True or not, their numbers are small, with a raiding party never numbering more than eleven or twelve members.


While their control is considered to cover the entire continent of Arkato, they are rarely seen outside their castle or the mountain top. Ever rarer still is any of them venturing to the the Dark Hemisphere side of Arkato, where the Eoten dwell in majority.


They are largely sustained by Eoten tribute in food and supplies, though a small hunting party of no more than three venture down the mountain from time to time, hunting dangerous beasts, largely more for trophy than sustenance. Should the Eoten not provide their tribute, that is when the raiding parties venture down to pillage in revenge. This is one of the only times, besides the 'Mirkill Veird,' that the Jotunn will travel to the other side of the mountain.


Where the standard lifespan of a frost giant is around 250 years, the Jotunn generally live twice this and longer. Jarl Utval is nearing his thousand-year mark, with some saying his blood is that of the most ancient frost giants from the days of the Aggelomachy and creation of their kind.


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