Granite Point



Granite Point is a castle estate, sometimes called a village, in the March of Walahran the kingdom of Toemanshire. The estate/village is built on top of a central granite deposit in Granite Valley. Around a dozen Human families live in the remote location, all generational stone cutters, quarrying the local granite. A well, drilled into the stone tower in the past, and desending into aquiducts feed by the Redhand River keep the resedence with a steady water supply. While the citzens have small herbal and vegitable gardens, much of their food comes from the trade.


High up in the valley with only a crane elevator to access their home, the Granite Point citizens were able to hold out against the Orc invaders. This is in part do to chance, as only a few years before the invasion the dwellers of Granite Point has become storing grain in their holds in fear of a famine that some felt was coming. While food was rationed, between the breads that were made and the bird meat from the abundan local avian life, the Lhakamen people of Granite Point held out against the orcs that destoyed so much their nations around them.



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