Lhakamen Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Lhakamen (LOCK ah men)

the Desert Folk of Anbar


The ethnic Lhakamen are Human native to the Lhakamed region, a land along the north west of the Desert of Anbar. Like their fellow ismon to the north, they have lived in the Farlands from time immemorial.


The land is ancient, with Elf ruins dotting the river valleys. Elven Magic of old still courses through the land. Lhakamen respect the old ways of the world around them, and generally live a simple rural life. Their farms tend to be small, using only the land they need to feed their families and pay tribute to the kingdom. The nomadic tribes of the desert drift from oasis to oasis taking only what they need for the next leg of their journey.

Of all peoples in the Farlands, the Lhakamen have perhaps suffered the most in recent years. Those that couldn’t escape Orc conquests and raids were enslaved or slain. Whether they fled, or were captured, all lost family throughout the last decades. These troubles, and the written memories of oppression from their forefathers, have created a strong sense of brotherhood among the people. While there are some cultural differences between the Lhakamen settlements and their desert dwelling cousins, the two subgroups seem to have a respect for each other’s way of life. Lhakamen are known for their strict loyalty to family and community.


The Lhakamen are commonly tall and thin in stature. Their olive-toned skin tends are similar to their northern kin. Due to their love of being outside in the sun they often are darker in tone from tanning. They almost always have eyes of various shades of brown, with rare children born with a pale brown coloring that appears yellow. These children are known as ‘golden eyes,’ and are considered blessed by 'the Green Guardians,' divine spirits of their land. Lhakamen hair is rarely anything but black or the darkest browns, men keeping their hair cut short or shaved, while women traditionally keep their hair longer, but wrapped and covered in colorful scarves in front of stranger’s eyes.

Name Samples:

(male) Balis, Manul, Naram, Rami, Shar, Tanzim

(female) Amata, Farah, Gina, Ishtar, Kula, Uma


Lhakamen have adopted the nomon method of taking on family names as a surname. These family names have come with a deep respect in resent generations, a memory to those lost. In first greeting, a Lhakamen will always introduce themselves with their name and surnames, with the inflexion on their surname as a matter of pride. Common Lhakamen family names are: Appanal, Dannduram, Hillum, Puzzur, Uttuaa.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Lhakamen tend towards chaotic alignments, having a very independent spirit. They value of community and family push them towards good alignemnts

Age: Lhakamen live a long natural life for a human, with it not unheard of for them to reach the age of 100 before passing away.

Size: (Medium) Lhakamen are considered tall for humans, they height, on average, being 6 feet, with women usually being a bit shorter than men.

Language: the Common Tongue is the language of the modern Lhakamen people, though many still learn their ancestral language of Lhaka, especially the desert dwelling tribes.

Articles under Lhakamen


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