Hills of Aradu Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Hills of Aradu

the Rolling Hills


Part myth, part truth, the Hills of Aradu was a land called the 'Rolling Hills' in the Sacred Codex. It was one of the three region of Garden at the beginning of time. Said to be north of Aterleg it was home to the Alumite tribe of Daemon.


While the term 'Hills of Aradu' is perhaps the most well know title used to describe a place of paradise, very little is recorded of it. There is no description or location beyond it being rolling hills of gentle breezes. The oldest known accounts such as the Epic of Can and the Urzan Papyrus place it in the foothills of 'Wat Qu Waten', the World Above the World. This name, used by the ancients when talking of the modern Cutting Mountains, have led most to assume this land was somewhere in the southern foothills of that great range. The 'Hills of Aradu' maybe be a term used by Human as a land of paradise, but to the Dwarf it is a term for the heavenly afterlife itself.

Mountain / Hill

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