Hurrian Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Hurrian (HER I an)

the Secluded Seaport


An ancient city, Hurrain was founded at an unknown point in the prehistoric periods by Human settlers. By the centuries prior to the Black Collapse Hurrain had grown into a powerful city-state of the Mursil Sea (the modern Tobia's Gulf). For a time it was a vassel nation of the Elf kingdom of Zalpula before becoming one of its biggest rivals and threats. ancient Hurrain was destroyed by Ashur when that nation joined in an alliance with Zalpula.


Largely abandoned, the modern Hurrian was rebuilt by Capedian explorers during the Kephic Age on top of the ruins of the ancient city. Hurrian sits on the northern coast of Mainor, connecting the nation to Tobia's Gulf. Originally a fortress port for the Capedians, built on a 140-foot rocky ridge above the old ruins, Hurrian has grown over the ages, with rubble and debris filling the sea to expand the port. The old fortress has long disappeared, but the artificial shore and its town has grown with time.


Today Hurrian has a reputation across Ethae as a den of outlaws and outcasts. This is far from the truth of the city. While the port has come to be home to many nationless warriors and unwanted rogues, and there is no centralized leadership, the town thrives in relative peace. There is no town guard per say, as citizens are expected to take care of their own problems and not cause problems for their neighbors. No magistrate or council stands in the city, with only an ever-changing roster of locals forming committees as needed for public construction projects. It is the rumors of watchful witches and their minon keep the peace.


As the only viable port of Mainor, Hurrian receives a fair amount of traffic from the sea in the spring and summer. The marshes of lowland Mainor are teeming with flora and fauna popular throughout Aldern. This ranges from spell components, exotic crafting materials, and culinary spices. While all of these desired ingredients thrive throughout Mainor, most only go as far as the Sarhara to harvest supplies. Fear of what lay deep in Mainor keep foreign travelers at bay. Most traders arriving in Hurrian never find need to leave the city, however. A large industry has grown up, with shops and street vendors lining the markets selling every sort of desired item a trader finding their way to the remote city might need.


Though considered a 'free' city, and not under the influence of the Qwn’yia that rule Mainor, this is anything but true. While it is true that there are not witches living within, or in fact, anywhere near Hurrian, their influence can still be felt by the locals. Peace is kept in the city in fear of the Qwn'yia becoming more involved in daily life. Minotaur, the minion of the Qwn'yia, dwell in undercity tunnels below the streets. Though rarely seen, they patrol the streets at night to protect the people while they sleep. The citizens know these 'guardians' are there as much to intimidate as protect. This truth is well hidden from travelers, however, in fear of any loss of revenue. Many a drunken sailor as wondered into the night to never be seen again, having "fallen into the sea."

Large town


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