Sarhara Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Sarhara (sar har AH)

the Marshes of Mainor


The Sarhara is the northern region in the Mainor lowlands, north of Argoa Bay. The Sarhara consists of a central estuary surrounded by peat bogs and reed marshes. Runoff from the Theo Val Mountains in the north and winter flooding out of the Argoa leaves the land wet year-round.


The Sarhara is home to hundreds of bird species, including the giant white flamingos that are native to the region. Its wet marshes are also a prime habitat for many insect species that the birds feed off. Most notorious of which are the mosquito that infest the still waters, that largely annoy those traveling the region, but are also the cause of seasonally malaria breakouts in nearby Human population.


A local breed of Aurochs known as the Biao roam the western bogs near Hurrian. Allowed to live a semi-feral life, the cattle is used from meat and sport by the locals.


Though patches of trees can be found throughout the Sarhara it is largely a shrub land common to marshes throughout Ethae. Some of the more famous floras of the lands are Glasswort, used in glassmaking and soaps; and most commonly Saltcedar, which is extensively used by the locals for food and medicines.


Of the dwellers of the Sarhara, the most important is probably the Sarhareia, a sub-species of Lizardfolk. Small for their kind, averaging around 3 to 4 feet at the tallest, these marsh dwellers travel through the waters of the region in small tribes of no more than a dozen. They revere the Sarhara with a near worship like reverence. Believing the balance of nature must be maintained. As such they tribes spend much of their existence traveling the land, maintaining this balance. Eliminating anything that threatens it, and nurturing what has been thrown out of balance. They largely avoid travelers through the Sarhara, but those travelers should rest assured that they are being watched the entire time in the wetlands.


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