Iootran Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the Humans of the Mountains


Race: Human

Ethnicity: Normon

Alignment: The Iootran people are an independent lot, favoring freedom away from the restraints of the lowland civilization's laws. This gives them a tendency towards neutral and chaotic alignments.

Age: Iootran have an average lifespan for humans of around 70 to 90 years.

Size: (Medium) Iootran stand at an average human height of 5 feet to 6 feet tall. Men usually stand a few inches taller than the women.


Language: The Iootran have long spoken Ioodiia as the primary and cultural language of humans throughout the Cutting Mountains. This is slowly changes as more trade passes through their mountain valley. Today most children are taught the Common Tongue for convenience and opportunity. 


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