Normon Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Normon (NOR mon)

the Kings of Ethae


Native Human from the Northern Reach (Novyum), the normon people have long been the politically dominate culture of Ethae. While they are as diverse as the other races of humans in their homelands, outside Novyum they are rarely noted as anything other then normon, or by the political dominate ethnic group of the Heartlands at the time, i.e. the Lakortha or Novya. Most lands of Ethae outside the Northern Reach, after centuries of invasion and conquest, have some norman ancestry in their noble families. So much so that the words ‘normon’ and ‘noble’ are almost interchangeable to most of the citizens of the continents in the modern day.


Normon often stand out in other lands, with their pale 'northern' skin-tone. Tanning is not uncommon, especially for those who’s work sees them outdoors often. It is their hair that tends to make them different with its light colors, such as blondes and light brown. Red hair is not uncommon. Most normon cultures refer to red haird children as “feyborn”, with the belief that the child has elven blood in their recent ancestry, if not a direct parent. It is long believed that the normon as a whole are descended from early human intermarriage with the elves, giving them their light hair colors. Feyborn children are often considered, especially within nomon culture, to be superior to their more common kin. However, children being born with red hair, where there has been none in the family before has caused some wives and their newborns be cast out due to the husband believing his wife was seduced by an elf and the child is not of his own seed.

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