Karkon Kobold Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Karkon Kobold

Servants to the Mother of All


Claiming to be created to serve Irkalla the Red Mother, Karkon Kobolds are among the most fanatical of the species in their dedication to their Dragon masters. A statement that is saying something, in a race of dragon worshipping creatures.


Karkon, as most of their kind, appeared in the records of history after the mythical Aggelomachy when dragon worship grew during the era of ice in the early Randagri Period. At least that is what Ancient Siduum tales claims, having been passed down by older Valan oral traditions. This would refute the little creatures claims to be of Irkalla, as she had not been seen in the world since the days of the Aggelomachy, centuries before.


These kobolds are abundant in Gir Kur of southern Anbar, on the major continent of Ethae. A least a hundred tribes are known to exist throught that harsh land. Most of these living below the surface in tunnel system that have been dug out over the ages. To small for most races, this web spread across the peninsula, making easy travel for the kobolds away from the hot sun of the desert above. The kobolds have learned to not dig to close to Giru Mountain. More than one tribe of Karkon have been wipped out instantly by digging into a lava vain.


Though every kobold of Gir Kur claim Irkalla as their creator, each of the Karkon tribes hold another red dragon as their patron. This has led some to believe that each of these tribes was created by one red or another over the ages. Proponents of this theory point to the many dragons that have controlled the peninsula over the millennia, noting they had the level of power to create their servants. Opponents of this theory point that fact that many kobolds will take on new dragon masters after losing their original. Irkalla, they say, could have created the Karkon originally and the creatures have taken on new masters of the ages since.


These tribes fight amongst each other, carving out small fiefdoms across the desert peninsula and below. Those with territories inland struggle, fighting each other for control of the little in resources that Gir Kur provides. The coastal tribes, on the other hand, are much stronger, having access to the meats the sea provides. These are known to swim out to ships traveling to close to the peninsula, swarming the vessel for supplies as well as human meat. All of which are traded to the inland tribes to keep them friendly, fighting each other, and not a threat to the coast. Adventurers traveling to Gir Kur should beware, these inland tribes put aside the difference to compete over taking down foreigners traveling their land. Tracking the party for miles, while the gather their forces in an all-out swarm attack. An attack that always end it the kobold tribes turning on each other after slaying the foreigners, fighting over the resources of the corpses.


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