Kingslan County

the King's Land of Toemanshire


Kingslan County is a realm of the kingdom of Toemanshire, in the Tinjir region, of the major continent of Ethae. The county's boundaries are considered by most to be the original kingdom's borders at its inception. By tradition, Kingslan is controlled by the monarch on the Toemanshire throne. Land in the county outside the city of Tomaton walls, up to the county line, is owned directly by the king. All income from the farms and industry in this county goes directly to the royal family estate.


Tomaton, the kingdom capital and home of the king, is the only city in the county. The villages and towns that once satellited Tomaton have disappeared with the Orc invasion of recent years. Outside the city proper, most of the county's population is concentrated on farms within a day's ride of Tomaton.


Kingslan County is divided into three distinct regions. The riverlands of the Redhand River, at the heart of the kingdom itself, is the county's core. While the river banks in the region, especially around the delta before it flows into Toman Sound, are marshy, the land is highly fertile. Native apple trees grow wild and abundant, with orchards surrounding the city. Farms have been established along the riverland edges where the ground is more stable, gaining an ideal balance of the fertile waters of the river's marshy land and the drier soil of the land beyond the valley. To the west of the riverlands and Tomaton is the Pampont Plains. Historically, it was known for its grain fields, though today, it is little more than a scrubland for sheepherders. To the east of the riverlands are the Raven Hills. A mountainous region that provides Tomaton with much of its coal for keeping warm during the winter storms.

Geopolitical, County / March

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