Raven Hills Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Raven Hills

Eastern Areian Foothills


The Raven Hills are a geographical region of hills of the Areian Peaks in Lhakamed, in the Tinjir region of the major continent of Ethae. The hills run north from Pier’s Peak, extending out until they level off and meet Tobia's Gulf. The region is arid. Rain comes during fall and winter, with storms blowing in from the gulf. Most of this runs off into the Redhand River valley by seasons end.


Though categorized as a hill range, some of the largest can reach upwards of ten thousand feet, though the majority of the range averages four to five thousand feet at the highest. Most of these hills, like the rest of the mountain range they are part, are steep and rocky. Grassy scrublands can be found throughout in the many valleys of the reigon.


The Raven Hills, orginally part of the Human kingdom of Toemanshire, but are now shared between Toemanshire and the Dwarf kingdom of Dylfinkyn. With the former granting the region to the later in return for allying against the Orc invasions of recent years.

Mountain / Hill

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