Lightning Glass Material in Aldern | World Anvil

Lightning Glass


  [p1] Lighting glass, also called lighting stone or lighting sand, is a natural material found worldwide created when lightning discharges melts and fuses moist sands along with other mineral grains into a glassy material. Lightning glass rods, as stated, can be found anywhere in Aldern, though most common in deserts, formed during storms. The west of the Desert of Anbarr, along the Cota Ocean is known for its stormy spring and fall seasons. As a result, lighting glass hunters flock to the region in the summers to gather the material. The Cavea city of Uosar has become famous for its glass markets is the source of much of the lightning glass used by modern artisans. [/p1]  

While lightning glass' properties vary in content and quality, depending on where the strike happens and what minerals are in the deposit, the material is a favorite item in jewelry and charms no matter the quality. It is also a useful item in constructing magical items, having properties of holding magical charges for long periods of time, as well as being a material that can channel the Anon (Magic) well. The material is preferred in use in the core of items that hold limited charges of magic. This is, of course, dependent on the quality of the glass, but nearly all lightning glass some traces of this nature.


Anbar lightning glass, and the afore mention Cota coast is known for producing the highest quality lighting glass. The sands of the desert being, at least according to legend, once part of the great Areian Nations, magic is deeply infused into the grains of the desert.

Though not as conductive of magic as Copper, it is often favored over the more readily available material for its uniqueness and beauty. In turn, while not as powerful as its counterpart Dragon Glass, the rareness of dragon glass makes lightning glass the more commonly used material when creating the 'batteries' of magic items.



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