Dragon Glass Material in Aldern | World Anvil

Dragon Glass

Corpse Glass


Dragon glass is a semitransparent mineral usually a pale white color, though hints of other colors can be found in less pure deposits depending on the materials around the glass when it was created. The purity of the glass is based on the cloudiness within. Near transparent dragon glass is the lowest quality with dense white dragon glass with nearly no ability to see through the core of the nugget as being the highest in purity.


Once abundant throughout the Desert of Anbar, the material known as dragon glass, or corpse glass, was created by the destruction of Karasaanu and the Areian Nations during Dragonfall. The combination of Dragon fire and the magics of the Elf and their forest created the glass.


As stated, it was once an abundant material, found across the desert. In the modern day it has become beyond rare. In the ages past, sheets yards wide, and nuggets the size of human heads could be found. All that remains today are tiny pebbles no larger than grains of sand. This is due to over 'mining' of the material throughout history.


Dragon glass is a key material in creating magic items. Its properties allow the glass to absorb and hold Magic within itself. If Copper is the conductor of magic, dragon glass is the battery that holds it. Items like rings use the glass in leu of gems to hold powerful magics within. Wands have sharded driven into their core, staves may have a nugget of the material held at the tip, clothing with have buttons or beads of the dragon glass sown within, and so on.


As dragon glass has grown rarer, so to have power magic item creations. Adventuring parties of often hired as escort those seeking the glass deep into Anbar. Often in hopes of just a single grain of this glass. On the open market these grains can be worth more than the largest gems. It is not unheard of for shadier adventurers to turn on those they escort once the glass is found seeing an easy coin gain. This has only made dragon glass rarer as fewer parties travel the deep desert in search, in fear that their protectors will betray them.


The Tostag Orchold in the Amber Wastes of Tinjir are rumored have the largest quantity of the material. Their home in Seblug's Corpse is said to be covered in the material, created when the Elder Tree was destroyed. Though few venture to this Orchold, those that do, and return confirm these rumors. Claiming the Orc there are wiling tol trade dragon glass, but warn the orcs know well the value of the material. Thieves that have tried to sneak into, or invade, the orc city quickly find that the Tostag also known well how to use dragon glass. The walls of their cities are decorated with the glass, launching what looks like balls of lightening or fire at invaders, or freezing them in place to be dispatched by the orcs at their leisure.


Another rumor in taverns throughout Ethae is that the Zalpula elves would decorate their cities with the material. Both as a morbid reminder of their lost homeland, but also, as the Tostag, as a way to hold powerful magics within. Though this was said to be less for defense and more for creating beauty and luxury.


Some ancient texts in Api libraries also point to dragon glass being used by the Zalpula in their attempts to restore Karasaanu. This has led adventures to travel to the ruins of Megiddo and the Stone Forestt for the glass.



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