Mahaleel Coast

the Wall of the Cradle


The imposing coast called Mahaleel is over seventy miles of steep cliffs and rocky covers, beautiful, but hardly ideal for ports or trade routes. It is also the only coastline that connects directly to Craddle Valley that doesn't involve traveling weeks, if not months around the Western Reach of Ethae, or crossing dangerous deserts.


Mahaleel coast is a popular land for the adventuring type. The cliffs and deserts beyond the sea are home to countless ancient ruins, tombs and wonders of the world past. Civilizations have dwelt in the lands since before time and lost power hide in this mysterious region. Even the native Hydossa that have dwelt in the land for the days of the first men, known little of what their ancestors built in this remote region of their nation.

The coast is part of the queendom of Hydossia. Its port Bomlet near the southern end of the Mahaleel Coast in the only lowlands of the region. The current city built on the rumble of countless others through time.

Coast / Shore


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