Hydossa Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Hydossa (sal EE moon ah)

the Dwells in the Desert


While most consider the Hydossa people as Human natives of the lands that make up modern Hydossia, they are far more than that. These people are spread far, with nearly every civilization of the south and eastern region of Anbar being made up of primarily ethnic Hydossa. They claim themselves the descendants of the most ancient Mahal people that dwelt in the land at the beginning of time. This makes them cousins of the Sidobians to the north, the descendants of the Siduumites, as both tribes originated with Valan people of the mythical past.


Hydossa are a hardy folk, like the Lhakamen that roam the Desert of Anbar, these people have learned to not only live, but thrive, in the deserts they call home. Hydossia is a shining example of this survival ingenuity, with most communities have extensive underground aqueducts, channeling what little rain there is into reservoirs across the regions. Hidden wells, often simple and covered with a stone or metal plate, which is in turn covered by the sand, can be found among their travel routes. These are known by the locals, but hidden to prevent bandits and other enemies from having access to the most precious resource of the desert. Their towns are as extensive below ground as above. These are usually built on rocky terrain, with vast below ground networks of carved tunnels below the streets to escape the hotter days of the year, channel sewage, store goods, or even for defense.


Hydossa are of the Ismon branch of humanity, having tan and olive tones to their skin. Their hair colors are usually darker shades, with black being the most common though lighter tones of brown are found along the coasts, especially in Hydossia along the Sea of the Ten Sisters. Their eyes range from any of the natural colors common to humans, though these are usually in the darker hues of these colors. A pale eye color like light blue or amber are considered exotic and found in families with mix heritages, and probably of Sidobian descent. Most Hydossa communities wear light layers of clothing, that prevent overheating, but cover most of the skin to prevent sunburns. Veils, wraps, and shawls are traditional for both sexes.

Name Samples:

(male) Amel, Gudia, Ishme, Marduk, Ninuta, Samsi

(female) Atalya, Isla, Kala, Ninti, Sharra, Tabni


Surnames are not commonly used by the Hydossa. However, some communities, such as those in Hydossia itself use a patronymic naming system, in which the persons last name is based on their father or other ancestor. This is a prefix, 'maru' for the son, and 'martu' for a daughter of the patriarch. An example of this would be Maru-shamash, or Martu-shamash for a son and daughter, respectively of Shamash.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Hydossa people tend toward lawful alignments, known well that working with their community is the best way to survive their harsh environment.

Age: They live a long natural life for a human, with 80 to 90 years being the average lifespans of these people.

Size: (Medium) Hydossa are considered tall for humans, they height, on average, being 6 feet, with women usually being a bit shorter than men.

Language: Sidubi is the common language of the modern Hydossa people, though many still learn the Common Tongue, finding it a useful language for survival.


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