Hydossia Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Hydossia (HI doe see ah)

the Queendom of the Salemona


Hydossia is a queendom in the mountainous southern Craddle Valley region of eastern Anbar, on the major continent of Ethae. It is considered an inhospitable, unpopulated desert by most outside the region, largely forgotten and ignored. The Hydossa people, however, are masters architects that have built a vast underground aqueduct system. These flow to large reservoirs and powerful pumping systems below towns and farmslands, providing life to the land.


The real glory of the Hydossa architects are their roads that crosses the desert to the coast of the Sea of the Ten Sisters. This connects vital trade routes from Novyum, through the Craddle Valley into the Cota Ocean, saving months of travel time around the Western Reach. Despite being an 'invisible' nation, Hydossia holds a lot of power when it comes to the mercantile systems of western trade across the continent. Their rival to the north, Mysobia, is the northern half of this trade network across the region. The two nations live in a state of working together to maintain the trade, all while holding daggers to each other's throats waiting to slice out the competition.


The Hydossa have a similar relationship, if not more volatile, with the Orc of Kal Kissuti to their west. The two peoples trade across their borders for resources, while at the same time trying to destroy each other. Raiders from both nations regularly cross each other's borders in attempts to weaken their enemy into submission. The town of Maadi, that sits on their borders in their neutral ground for trading.

Hydossia is a queendom by tradition. She is the symbol of stability, prosperity, and fertility. Rumors that the current queen, Queen Rabasa, is a powerful witch infused with the Shadow, and immortal are common. This is fueled by the fact that the queen is rarely publicly seen, acting only through her daughters and stewards. Rumors of immortal witch-queens aside, Rabasa has led Hydossia into an age of prosperity for her people.

Geopolitical, Queendom

Capital: Amytis

Native People: Hydossa

Native Language: Sidubi

The Star of Hydossia, sometimes called the 'Red Lady of Hydossia', or just 'the Lady,' is the symbol of the queendom of Hydossia. The seven pointed star is an ancient symbol from the region, dating back to Ancient Siduum reign in the Craddle Valley. The Lady is a symbol of the nation and the queen, it represents the nations power and fertility to continue on generation after generation.

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