
the Port of Nations


Bomlet is the largest and most important city in the queendom of Hydossia. The port with built as a naval base by the Novya during the days the United Kingdoms of Novyum reigned over the region due to it being one of the few land-able locations on the Mahaleel Coast. It significance for the trade business was soon discovered and the modern city grew quickly around it.


Bomlet connects the Cota Ocean and the nation of western Jerain with Novyum and Anbar. Without Bomlet merchantile trade would need to travel around the entirety of the Western Reach of Ethae. With Bomlet, merchant ships can trade off their cargo to overland caravans heading north, through the desert, to Kara Mara. From there it's off to the Heartlands. A route that cuts weeks and months off travel time.


This vital artery of trade has made Bomlet not only important to Hydossia, but the entire continent, and while Hydossia itself is largely unknown by people outside of the region, Bomlet is a name most merchants and many travern goers recognize. Two of the powerful nations of modern Ethae, Nopum and the Kingdom of Marras are heavily invested in the trade routes of Bomlet, and hold control of districts within the city. These districts are considered foreign soil under the complete control of the nations that holds them. The jurisdiction ends at the district border, however, and problems have arisen as thieves have learned that crossing these lines can be the ultimate escape plan. The treaty that grants this unprecedented power in a foreign land does requires both nation's guards, soldiers, and sailors to submit to the regional Hydossa steward should the city ever come under attack, by land, sea, or air. A small price to pay for such a vital trade city.


For Nopum the city and its trade is vital for transporting the sugar of the Merico Islandss north. Marras' primary investment in the city is the salt coming out of the Magas Flats of Kal Kissuti. The merchant guilds of both invest heavily in making sure these products flow without trouble, even hiring adventures of the needs be. They also make massive profits from these priceless spices.


Outside its renown for the trade industry, Bomlet is famous for its pyramids. A dozen of them exist north of the town, half of which are off the coast, in the waters of the Sea of the Ten Sisters. Though these have all long been looted in antiquity, they stand as a popular location for travelers to Bomlet to visit to climb. Sadly, most of these pyramids upper blocks are covered in carved and painted graffiti of those wanting to leave their mark on history.

Large city


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